Wood'n it be Nice

Mukwonago, Wisconsin
United States

I have been fascinated by wood for many years. The range of color, texture and pattern found in woods from around the world provides an almost unlimited creative pallet. Add to this wood’s malleability, and it becomes an ideal medium for creating objects with both beauty and functionality.

Most of my early working with wood was as a do-it-yourselfer, making furniture, cabinets or whatever else we needed around the house.  However, since 1999 I have concentrated on designing and building wooden boxes. A box is the ideal vehicle for combining functionality with the elegance and beauty of wood.

My work has been featured in Woodcraft Magazine as well as Sterling Publishing’s 14 Wooden Boxes You Can Make. In 2016 I was featured on INSP TV’s HANDCRAFTED AMERICA.


Posted in my shop and on my business cards is a quote from the late Louis Nizer that I find inspiring:


A man who works with his hands is a laborer;

A man who works with his hands and his mind is a craftsman;

But a man who works with his hands, his mind and his heart, is an artist”.



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