About this Product
Discontinued Design... only a couple left in inventory. Your chance for a bargain. Still an original art work, now at a lower price.
An original design by Artist Wendy Wilson of Magic in Your Living Room
This is a Pagan altar cloth or Wiccan altar cloth with a design for Samhain or any day you want to celebrate your witchyness. The design includes many symbols of halloween and witches including the cauldron, the spiral of life, the full moon, the web of life, the feminine triangle and the pentacle. Obviously this is designed for Samhain on wheel of the year, but the symbols are so generally Wiccan that it would be perfect on your personal altar all year.
This is a beautiful altar cloth, about 18 inches or 45cm square. My altar cloths are 2-ply, a high quality cotton backed by a layer of high quality cotton, for a nice weight on the altar. It's high quality cotton professionally printed from my design
All altar cloths are available, as a special order, in any size up to about 34" square. The printing and sewing will take about 10-14 days. Just contact me with which design you want and what size. Prices scale with size. Only the altar cloth is for sale. The altar tools are not for sale. I am working on altar kits, but they are not ready yet.
* Samhain * Yule * Imbolc * Beltane * Litha * Lammas * Mabon *
Magic in Your Living Room

Meet the Maker
We are Wendy and Aaron. After Wendy retired from the IT world, she started Magic in Your Living Room as a platform for her spiritually based art. It took time but sales began to increase, so Aaron joines Magic in Your Living Room with a lifetime of working in wood, metal and now fabric to manage the production end of the business.