About this Product
An original design by Artist Wendy Wilson of Magic in Your Living Room
We have always measured time using our celestial companions, the sun and the moon. This is a salute to the clockwork of the heavens. A month of moons circle the year as measured by the sun. It is a symbolic depiction of the movement of time through the wheel of the year. Because of the theme of time, this would also make a great tarot cloth.
This beautiful design is now available in either all natural cotton or shiny, silky poly satin OR soft 100% silk. It's about 18 inches or 45cm square. professionally printed from my design. Now, in your choice of fabric, either all-natural cotton (2-ply with a cotton backing) or polyester satin (single ply with a narrow hem) or silk (also single ply with a narrow hem) .
This design, re-printed in organza and linen, was selected for 3 art shows near Princeton, NJ! This design was also featured in the Green Egg Magazine, Yule 2015 edition.
All altar cloths are available, as a special order, in any size up to about 34" square. The printing and sewing will take about 10-14 days. Just contact me with which design you want and what size. Prices scale with size. The altar tools and tarot cards are just for display purposes. All I am selling is the altar cloth
* Samhain * Yule * Imbolc * Beltane * Litha * Lammas * Mabon *
Magic in Your Living Room

Meet the Maker
We are Wendy and Aaron. After Wendy retired from the IT world, she started Magic in Your Living Room as a platform for her spiritually based art. It took time but sales began to increase, so Aaron joines Magic in Your Living Room with a lifetime of working in wood, metal and now fabric to manage the production end of the business.