Baby Bib Ant Picnic Print


About this Product

The bib that's made to be stained! This red, gingham, 100% cotton bib is made to look like a picnic blanket, with an ant crawling towards whatever food is dropped on it. Have a messy eater? No problem! This bib is easy to throw in the washing machine and dryer. Can't get a stain out? Now it looks like the ant is crawling towards the stain, hunting for leftover food.

The ant applique is 100% bamboo felt, meaning it holds up well to washing, drying, and ironing.

The back of the bib is 100% cotton terrycloth, which is perfect for capturing any drool from little ones.

Sammy Whammy's

Meet the Maker

How it’s Made

Made from 100% cotton broadcloth and 100% cotton terrycloth, the ant applique is made from 100% bamboo felt

I hand-cut each piece of the bib, embroider the ant legs on with my sewing machine, then sew each piece together.

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