Baby Elephant 3D Acrylic Framed Art

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About this Product

Who doesn't love baby elephants? Those big floppy ears and wobbly legs make for one cute painting. This beauty features the wrinkly baby admiring a butterfly while a small flock of ducks looks on. As with each piece in this series, I used a combination of recycled elements such as cardboard and cotton balls to creature texture and 3D effects. The animals are all hand painted, cut out. The elephant is mounted on cardboard to make her really stand out. The background is created using the aforementioned cotton balls and paint to create an aesthetically pleasing bush/tree/plant (you be the judge!). Be sure to take a close look at that butterfly, he almost looks like he could fly away any minute. This original work of art will be shipped in a basic black frame as shown, but I think the simplicity of the frame only highlights the piece.


Portland, OR

How it’s Made

For this piece I started by creating the background using watercolor safe paper, cotton balls, glue and acrylic paint. I created the elephant by painting on a separate watercolor paper, cutting out and affixing to cardboard to provide a 3D element. The butterfly and ducks are all separately hand painted and cut out before being affixed to the final painting. The finished product is framed in a simple 8x10 black frame.
