Baby Lap Dragon; Gold, Rust, Brown, Teal and Purple: BLD1

1-3 days

About this Product

Welcome the first Baby Lap Dragon! She is made of very soft plush fabric and oh so suggly. Her body is a tie-dyed "poodle fabric" in shades of gold, rust, brown, teal and purple. She has lush dark purple wings. Her eyes are glitter aqua and she has glitter purple accents. Her back riged and soft small horns are made of ultra suede. She is 35" long with a 36" wingspan. She will bring joy and comfort to her forever home. My Lap Dragons are my big healers. They have helped hold the energy and space in battered woman's shelters, special ed. classes, counselor's offices, to name a few , as well as many homes. I have been sent some amazing stories from some of the folks who have chosen a Lap Dragon to share their lives. They give me shivers and want to happy dance! All my dragons come with a Letter from the Dragons.


We who have lived in your hearts and minds through the ages and across the earth, reach out to you at this time, to help feed the flame of Love and Light that is at the heart of all. As we no longer reside in the same physical dimension, we have invoked an old promise from this one, through dreams, to create clever and beautiful bodies that we put our energies into, so that we may assist in your realm. Each body is unique and holds a unique dragon energy. Dragons hold names sacred. If you "hear a dragons name, you have been chosen. Our hope is that, as each of you sees a dragon, you will remember and choose to be more love and light. That you make choices that move you and the earth toward this goal. To expand into our true selves. We use "our", as All originate from the same source. Each a cell within the body of the whole. We beseech each being to vibrate higher and shine brighter. To inspire through example. Each thought is a choice. Choose wisely. Choose to focus on the light in the darkness. It will grow. Focus your thoughts on the highest vibration. Choose again, and again, and again.

With Love, Light and Support,

The Dragons


Saint Petersburg, FL

Meet the Maker

Hello and welcome to the shop of a full-on fiber junkie. All kinds- from yarn and fabric to raw plant materials. If Mother Earth provides it, I want to touch , mold or fashion it in some way. So many textures, colors and ideas and just not enough time. Color affects all aspects of our lives. It can excite, calm or cause our heart to burst with joy (or maybe even creep us out!). I love the way fiber allows us to bring that energy to our bodies and environments. Energy healing is also a major part of my life and is reflected in my art. Hopefully you will find that special something that lights you up and makes your heart sing.

Love, Light and Blessings,


How it’s Made

All my dragon are original designs that have been evolving for over 40 years. Each one has a unique energy and personality. I carefully search out fabrics and combine them with paints, leather, feathers, crystals, or beads to help their inner light to shine through. They each share their stories with me, that I add to therie descriptions. You are then able to get a deeper feel for the dragon who is right for you.
