Balance for Her


About this Product

Balance for Her

Introducing our Balance For Her, a luxurious balm that may help alleviate those pesky menopausal symptoms leaving you feeling nourished and rejuvenated. Made with natural ingredients, including wild yam extract, this balm is perfect for someone NOT using hormone replacement. The rich and creamy texture melts into your skin, a soft, supple feel. Pamper yourself with this indulgent balm, perfect for self-care routine. Experience the benefits of nature with our Balance For HER.

Extra Strength Salve for Hormone Balancing.

2 sizes to choose from

2 oz which should last 1 month if use appropriately.

4oz which should last 2 months.

This is a great product for helping reduce the ailments of perimenopause and menopause. I have carefully researched the ingredients, the amounts to be used and Absorbtion rates. Just like with any other supplement you will want to ask your Dr if it will interfere with your meds. I know many ladies suffer through this stage of life, and if I can help make life better for you, I will be happy as a lark. I will be posting an application schedule. THIS is very important, because you will want to alternate locations for application. My recommendation is to start with 1 application a day for the 1st week to see if you have any reactions. There is always a chance and I want everyone to be aware of that.

Directions: For external use only. As directed massage well into chest, neck, breasts, abdomen, inner arms & thighs, these are the areas of the body where the cream is particularly well absorbed. *Select one location for each application only.


Counting the first day of your period as Day 1 commence applying 1/2 pea size am and pm from Day 5 then increase 1 pea size from Day 19 to Day 28 stopping on Day 28.

Your period should then come and the day your period arrives is again Day 1 and you would recommence using the cream from Day 5 as above.

If a period doesn’t arrive after stopping the cream on Day 28 begin the cream again 5 days later which becomes Day 5 of your new cycle.

However, remember whenever you experience a period with normal blood flow that day is always Day 1 and you would stop using the cream and count to Day 5 again.

If you experience spotting mid cycle continue with the cream until Day 28 or until you experience a full period with normal blood flow if that day is before Day 28.

Please be aware you may initially experience heightened symptoms as the nutrients are addressing underlying problems, this experience is often referred to as a 'healing crisis'.

If you are experiencing intermittent periods accompanied with hot flushes and night sweats we suggest you follow the 'Help to Reduce occurrence of Menopausal Symptoms' protocol.


Counting the first day of your period as Day 1, 1/2 pea size am and pm from Day 7 through to Day 20 and then 1 pea size through to Day 28 then stopping the cream.

Your period may come the next day which would be Day 1 and you will recommence the cream on Day 7.

If a period doesn't arrive count to Day 7 and recommend using the cream as above.

Women who haven't had a period for several months and don't know when to start using the cream may start at any time counting the day you begin as Day 7 and follow the above protocol.


We would expect menopausal symptoms to decrease in both intensity and frequency and disappear by the third month if the above protocol is closely followed.

If at any time during this period hot flushes or night sweats cause undue discomfort, we suggest massaging a small amount of cream into the inside of your wrists whenever a flush or night sweat occurs. *If hot flushes or night sweats continue it may mean that insufficient cream is being used or used irregularly.


If you are a mature woman who has passed through menopause and hasn't had a period for over 12 months you are Post-Menopausal.

For the first 2 months I suggest using 1/2 pea size am and pm every day for two months. If you are still suffering from hot flushes and night sweats we also suggest rubbing a little extra cream into the insides of your wrists whenever these occur.

After 2 months we suggest creating a cycle for yourself by the calendar month, with Day 7 being the 7th day of each month.

You would then use 1/2 pea size am and pm for 2 weeks and then increase to 1 pea size through to the end of the month, however many days in that month and then stop, recommencing 7 days later.


If you experience a topical allergic reaction, you may avoid sensitivity by applying the cream only to the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In very rare cases a rash may also appear in areas where the cream hasn't been applied, in this case you would need to stop using the cream.


If your symptoms persist, we advise you to talk to your health professional, preferably one who is knowledgeable in Natural Therapies. We are happy to answer any questions you may have arising from use of the cream, message us through Facebook. If you follow the appropriate protocol, we are confident that your experience with Balance For her will be a positive one.

Talk about the focus ingredients:

Chasteberry: Meet the Must-Have Hormone Balancing Herb for Wise Women. Chasteberry might help reduce menopausal symptoms by reducing the frequency of hot flashes and night sweats and improving your mood. This may be because chasteberry contains phytoestrogens, natural substances that mimic estrogen (the hormone that your ovaries stop making after menopause). Chasteberry can be especially helpful for mood swings, Dr. Khan says. “PMS causes some people to feel depressed or irritable, but you can’t take an antidepressant for a few days and expect it to help.

If you have PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis or Thyroid issues... this is a good herb for you as well.

It could also help with the menopause, from tackling hot flushes to beating low mood.

Wild Yam Root: Wild yam has traditionally been used to rebalance see-sawing hormones that can trigger symptoms such as PMS and menstrual cramps. Wild yam is believed to be effective at treating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis because of its potent anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve swelling & pain. For those with brain Fog.... this helps with better brain function. It has also been found to help enhance memory and learning skills. And those with the Men-tummy... This is one herb to help with that.

Horny Goat Weed: Improving sexual function. Horny goat weed is often used for its so-called aphrodisiac properties. It is thought to work by acting as a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, [which] helps widen blood vessels and increase blood flow to sexual organs. Horny goat weed may improve joint pain by reducing inflammation in the body while promoting bone density, potentially improving osteoporosis. Relieving menstrual and postmenopausal symptoms. Horny goat weed contains phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like compounds that may be beneficial for people with hormone imbalances leading to menstrual cycle issues or post-menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. A possible side effect of consuming horny goat weed is an increase in energy, which some users reportedly find beneficial.

Maca: Balance in Peri- and Menopause, Help Libido, PMS symptoms, PCOS symptoms, better brain function, Memory, and better energy. This one is good for so many things. I encourage you to look it up and take a glance.

Black Cohosh: black cohosh binds to your body’s opioid receptors, giving it a painkilling effect. Today, it’s sometimes used to reduce the muscle aches and body pains associated with menopause, perimenopause and postmenopausal. One of the phytochemicals in black cohosh has a serotonin-like effect, which may impact your body’s ability to regulate temperature and ultimately help to reduce hot flashes. Black cohosh is an excellent herb to support people experiencing menopausal symptoms to reduce pain, reduce fatigue and lift your mood.

Ingredients: Infused Organic Sunflower Oil (infused with: Chaste Berries, Maca, Wild Yam, Fenugreek, Black Cohosh, Horny Goat Weed and Pine Pollen), Organic Tamanu Oil, murumuru butter, Organic Avocado Oil, Organic Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Organic Beeswax, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Raspberry Seed Oil, Organic Clary Sage Oil, and Organic Geranium Oil.


Pensacola, FL
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Meet the Maker

Welcome to SweetBellaGirlDesigns, my name is Amanda Czaplewski and I believe that home is where the heart is. That's why we're passionate about helping you find natural products that you love. Our journey began when I was diagnosed with some auto-immune diseases, struggled to find products that would be good for my skin and my health at the same time. I decided to take matters into my own hands and started curating a collection of affordable, 100% natural beauty products and skincare. Today, SweetBellaGirlDesigns  is a thriving business that helps customers all over the United States find quality products.   At SweetBellaGirlDesigns, we believe that great customer service is key to a successful business. We are always here to answer your questions, help you find the perfect product, or resolve any issues you may have.

 God gave me talents to share to the world.  I am here to serve him. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. ~1 Peter 4:10

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