Birthday flower dragon tote bag


About this Product

Flower dragons are a delightfully whimsical and refreshing way to help celebrate and remember birthdays, or special months and events (like anniversaries). Perfect gift for the fantasy lover in your life (even if it’s you!)

Each bag is polyester and measures at about 14X13 inches

January, snow drop:

Small and feisty is the snow drop dragon, one of the first to brave the cold hardly waiting til winter has ended. They seem to be attracted to those who have overcome incredibly hard circumstances in their lives - so if you see one with many flitting around, perhaps don’t cross them.

February, violet:

Sprouting up where the magic is strongest, violet dragons seem to feed off of the remanence of powerful creatures, and the destruction they leave. Many, however, take them to be a good omen, as they believe a violet dragon sighting means the danger is over.

March, daffodil:

Daffodil dragons, though their life may be brief, are some of the strongest flora dragons there are. It is said they have magic they will bless others with when they need it most, but that this is a sacrificial gift, and the glorious dragon will not survive the transfer.

April, Daisy:

Amongst the most playful of the dragons are the daisy dragons. They are known to dart here in there in times meant to be solemn, as well as flying around and landing in people’s hair during times of great celebration. They are seen as a reminder to not take life too seriously, and to look at the world with wonder.

May, hawthorn:

A hawthorn dragon’s tough exterior is only outshined by its beautiful  demeanor. They are often seen bringing peace to a new mother, or comforting a lost child. Many believe that they help recently deceased into the next realm, but they will not tell me if this is true or not.

June, honeysuckle:

Largely because the of the sweet smell that accompanies them Honeysuckle dragons are thought to ward off evil. They are welcomed into wedding and birthday celebrations and thought to bring a year of good luck with them. But be warned! The presence of too many are intoxicating and will leave your guests with hangover like headaches the next morning.

July, larkspur:

Though you would never guess it Larkspur dragons are the fastest of all the flora dragons. However they tend to live life slowly. You may see one studying a flower or a bug for hours, if not days. They never rush because you ask them to. But as soon as you blink they’ll have flown off and you may never see them again.

August, Gladiolus:

Gladiolus dragons are drawn to the bravest among us. Be it the child confronting its fear, someone plucking up the courage to leave an abusive spouse, or a leader standing up to fight for their people. They are rarely seen by any but those who need them. So if you happen to glimpse one around you a lot take heart, hold your head up high, and get ready for a fight.

September, Aster:

Asters are a dragon filled with the oldest of magics. They possess secrets no human can understand. Yet they will whisper to those willing to hear, teaching them little bits here and there about all the wonders of the world and it’s Creator

October, Cosmos:

Cosmos are very orderly dragons, for them everything has a place and purpose. Many watch them to try to find the secrets of a good design, or the balance of a beautiful image. But they have a natural harmony that cannot be replicated.

November, chrysanthemum:

Chrysanthemum dragons tend to be a bit… homey. They tend to stay in their territory and brighten up the air around it bringing a similar feeling to that as walking in and smelling fresh baked bread, or the lovely crispness of autumn nipping at your nose

December, holly:

Holly dragons have a fierce protective streak to them. If they claim a family as their own (they do so simply by moving into their house, and refusing to leave) they will emit natural protective magics, as well as wake the head of the house if need be, and even go down fighting for their family.

Dragonfly Key Art

Baytown, TX
Welcome spring with bright, cheery food fairies!
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How it’s Made

I start with one of my original watercolor paintings then digitize it - leaving many of the pencil marks, and paint bleeds to keep the watercolor look, and to give it more character. I then print the design off and heat press it to the final product for you.
