Black Nightshade Ritual Oil


About this Product

All Nightshades have been associated with Death and Spirits for centuries and Black Nightshade Ritual Oil can be used in a variety of different ways:
Mix it with alcohol and dragons blood ink to draw cursing sigils on enemies photos or to draw Spirit summoning sigils

Use it in potions to increase your magical abilities (NEVER drink these) Example: Inside a small jar place a photo or other representation of yourself. Add some Dark Nightshade Oil and other power drawing herbs and oils to the jar. Burn a Personal Power Candle on top of the Jar or place it under the Full Moon to charge.

Use it to dress items in a mojo bag hung around your neck for Spirit world journeys

This is also a great oil to honor Hekate and to be used in Samhain Rituals.

Never burn, inhale, ingest, allow this oil to soak into your skin or consume in any other way as it could be potentially life threatening to do so. Keep out of reach of children and away from pets.

Sold as Curio only.

3 Pagan Ravens

Versailles, MO