Blue Apatite Tri-cut Rondelle Bracelet

Made To Order

About this Product

Blue Apatite 8x10 Tri-cut Rondelle bracelet with gold filled lobster clasp and extender. 7 1/2 in. - 8 1/2 in. Can be customized.

I love the blue of Apatite and mixed with gold it’s perfect!

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite is a striking gemstone known for its vibrant blue hue, which ranges from light, almost neon blue to deep, rich shades. It is composed of calcium phosphate, similar to the mineral found in human bones and teeth. This gemstone is relatively soft, rating a 5 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it suitable for certain types of jewelry but requiring care to avoid scratches.

Metaphysical Properties

Blue Apatite is often associated with personal growth and communication. It is believed to:

- Enhance communication skills, particularly in public speaking and group settings.

- Stimulate intellect and creativity, aiding in the development of new ideas and innovative solutions.

- Aid in the process of self-expression and the release of negative energies, promoting emotional healing.

- Inspire humanitarian pursuits and service to others, fostering a sense of social responsibility.

Chakra Association

Blue Apatite is primarily associated with the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha). This chakra governs communication, self-expression, and truth. By aligning and balancing the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite is thought to:

- Enhance one's ability to articulate thoughts clearly and effectively.

- Promote honest and open communication, both with oneself and others.

- Encourage the expression of personal truths and inner wisdom.

Astrology Association

Blue Apatite is associated with the zodiac signs Gemini and Libra:

- Gemini: This sign, known for its communicative and intellectual nature, aligns well with the properties of Blue Apatite. The stone enhances Gemini's natural abilities and supports clarity in communication.

- Libra: Libra's focus on balance, harmony, and fairness is complemented by Blue Apatite's energy. The stone helps Libra individuals find balance in their thoughts and communication.

Where It’s Found

Blue Apatite can be found in several locations around the world. Some notable sources include:

- Brazil: Known for producing high-quality blue apatite with vibrant color.

- Mexico: Another significant source of blue apatite, often yielding stones with excellent clarity.

- Madagascar: This island nation is renowned for its diverse range of gemstones, including beautiful specimens of blue apatite.

- Russia: Known for its significant deposits, producing stones with a rich, deep blue color.

- Myanmar (Burma): Another source of high-quality blue apatite, often used in jewelry and decorative items.

These locations contribute to the availability and variety of blue apatite in the global market.


Johnsburg, IL
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Meet the Maker

Hi there! My name is Jami Schwager and I live in a small town in Northeastern Illinois named Johnsburg. We are located near the Chain of Lakes waterway and we (I am including my husband and captain of our vessel) LOVE boating on our Bayliner Cabin Cruiser in the summers! When I’m not on my boat you can usually find me making jewelry. In 2022 I decided to make bracelets out of gemstones for the women in my family for Christmas gifts. I made them each a bracelet using their birthstones. I have been obsessed with making jewelry ever since! I enjoy coming up with new designs and discovering the beauty in each new gemstone I work with. Now I consider making jewelry my passion. I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I enjoy creating them. Thanks so much for checking out my shop!

How it’s Made

Designed and hand strung by me with genuine gemstone beads and gold filled findings.

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