Book Rescue Sticker - Ideal for Bookworms and Readers

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About this Product

Ideal for avid readers who can't resist adding to their literary collection, this sticker serves as a badge of honor. Whether adorning your laptop, notebook, or bookshelf, it announces your noble mission to save stories from neglect, one bookstore at a time. It's an ideal gift for those who cherish the magic of a good read and the thrill of discovering new adventures.

  • Sticker Size: 3 inch (7.62 cm)
  • Split, lay-flat backing for easy application
  • Printed with UV durable ink
  • Water resistant (don’t leave submerged)
  • Acrylic permanent adhesive

The Fun Auntie Shop

Plaistow, NH

Meet the Maker

Life's too short to not have fun. I'm a firm believer that just because you're an adult, doesn't mean you can't have a playful side.
