About this Product
Brass Wire Wrapped Necklace, Brass Pendent Necklace, Brass Necklace, Cabochon Pendent Necklace,
Clear Teardrop Chandelier Pendent
1.25 inch wide
Approx. 2.25 inches tall
18” in length Copper Plate Chain © 2022 Twisted by Design Thank you for shopping Twisted by Design
Due to quality of handmade all ""items"" will not be as exactly as pictured. But still maintain best quality in all the designs
Twisted by Design

Meet the Maker
Twisted by Design Twisted by Design was founded in 2012.
Cindy started making jewelry for gifts 2011, she had a vision of what she wanted before
knowing how to implement those designs. With a background in mechanical design, and art she
is mostly self taught. Embarking on a jewelry journey still learning with recent soldering classes.
Materials she uses are mostly wire, with some beads and stones collected on travels.
She has taught Nationally at the 2017 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bead and Button Show.
Mostly posts weekly with current designing products, earring challenges or teachable failures.
https://www.facebook.com/TwistdbyDesign for Cindy Legate’s Twisted by Design
How it’s Made
Weave wire to a length that I can wrap around the Cabochon and finish off with a bail and polish, antique to give that old world looks