Carnelian stretchy bracelet and ring

List price: $65.00
- 15%

About this Product

Carnelian promotes confidence and creativity, giving you the courage to make positive choices. It is believed to protect the wearer from negativity and restore self-steem

Ana’s Sparkling Creations

Lake Worth, FL

Meet the Maker

Twenty years ago, I embarked on a journey into the world of jewelry making, delving into various techniques that have enriched my craft ever since. Through meticulous exploration and dedicated practice, I've honed my skills in bead weaving, wirework, stringing, and the intricate art of kumihimo. These techniques have not only expanded my repertoire but have also deepened my appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship inherent in jewelry making. With each piece I create, I am fueled by a profound love for the craft, infusing every design with passion and creativity.
