About this Product
Food is such a huge part of Jewish holidays (you either feast or fast, or fast then feast!) and these chanukkah goody creatures want to be a part of your celebrations. Fun and delectable they are the perfect way to add a little flavor to your decorations and feasts.
Sufganiyot Beasty:
Born of the hope and love, fried dough, and jelly of Chanukah comes the the Sufganiyot beasty. Silly and lanky the awkward creature with an ostrich back and goats horns brings joy to those who shelter it for the season
Gelt tortise:
If you ever see a gelt tortoise don’t let it go! They are said to bring good luck, particularly during a game of dreidel!
Latke toad:
Crispy potato latkes are delicious and a fun part of chanukkah. Just make sure not to mix it up with the Latke Toad, because though they may be as crispy as a latke when deep fried, they are not at all kosher
Challah golem:
“Happy Challah days” maybe one of the worst chanukkah puns ever. Especially since, though always delicious, challah is not specifically a chanukkah treat. But don’t tell Chaviv this, as he is a Challah Golem who literally lives and breathes Chanukkah.
Rugelach dragon:
Though not specifically a chanukkah treat the Rugelach dragon insisted he be included as he is, “perfect for every day, and doubly perfect for holidays”. Sweet, if not a bit full of himself, the rugelach dragon really does fit with the winter holiday food creatures.
A delightfully whimsical microwave and dishwasher safe Chanukkah mug, standard 10 0z with the design on both sides
Dragonfly Key Art

Meet the Maker

How it’s Made
I hand paint each image (usually with watercolor, though sometimes acrylic) on paper, and add bits of sharpie or colored pencil to make it just right.
I then digitize it, cut out all the paper looking parts from the image so that it really pops. I like to keep some of the water color drips and mistakes so it looks more like the original.
I then print it and heat press (sublimate) it onto products for you!