Creosote Salve 1oz Tin

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About this Product

The Creosote bush is one of the Southwest's best healing plants. The Salve is wonderful for calming burns, bites, dry skin and blisters. The salve has a heavenly desert rain smell! The use of the salve helps calm redness in the skin, and hydrate and heal a myriad of skin issues. Creosote has been used by the native peoples in this area for hundreds of years.

This Salve is made from wild harvested creosote leaves, organic olive oil, beeswax or vegetable wax, vitamin E.

Please do a small patch test on your skin to make sure you’re not allergic to Creosote.

* Statements made have not been reviewed by the FDA. Products described here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Chaparral, Desert Rain, Larrea Tridentata, Natural, Homeopathic, Itch, Scrapes, Cuts.


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