Crow Whisperer Miniature 4"x4" oil on canvas painting


About this Product

Introducing "Crow Whisperer" original oil on canvas painting by Sylvia Colasacco. It is a miniature painting of 4"x4" inch and is ready to hang in any smaller spot that could use a whimsical unique piece of original art.

Under the moon's silver light, a young girl stands in front of some branches where a black crow perches, its eyes gleaming with intelligence. The girl's face is illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, her expression one of deep concentration as she seems to be communicating with the bird. The crow, in turn, appears to be listening intently, as if understanding the girl's words. The scene is quiet, almost ethereal, with the only sounds being the rustle of leaves in the breeze and the occasional caw of the crow. It is as if they are sharing a secret, a moment of connection between two beings from different worlds, brought together by the magic of the night.

Sylvie Cola Arts

Portland, OR

Meet the Maker

My name is Sylvia Colasacco and I reside in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I love to paint sweet childlike characters in nature with their pets and wildlife creatures. 

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