Crystal Essential Oil Diffuser Set

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About this Product

Enjoy the aromas of your favorite essential oils with our Crystal Essential Oil Diffuser kit. It offers a decorative way of diffusing oils naturally in your home or office with the added benefit of crystal therapy.

Simply remove the lid and tissue inside, then add a few drops of essential oil onto the white diffuser stones and display them where you spend most of your time. Use the crystal tumble in your daily mindfulness practice or just hold it when you need an extra boost.

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This listing is for 1 Meditation Diffuser Tin. Each tin holds: 5 hand rolled white clay stones, 1 Crystal Tumble (measuring around .75 -1 inch), 1 ml bottle of essential oil blend

Available in:

Composed w. Smoky Quartz: to help you find peace when feeling stressed and anxious

[Essential Oils: Lavender, Cypress, Patchouli, Geranium, Chamomile]

Courageous w. Carnelian: to help keep you calm and confident when you're feeling nervous and anxious

[Essential Oils: Clary Sage, Geranium, Cedarwood, Sweet Orange, Chamomile]

Empowered w. Citrine: helps promote a bold and spicy state of mind

[Essential Oils: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Cypress, Allspice, Juniper Berry, Sweet Orange]

Motivate w. Amethyst: to help uplift your mood and energize

[Essential Oils: Mandarin, Lime, Peppermint, Geranium]

Insight w. Fluorite: to help clear the mind, reduce stress and uplifting the mood

[Essential oils: Lavender, Rosemary, Siberian Fir, Petitgrain]

Release w. Labradorite: to help clear and balance your energy field

[Essential Oils: Rosemary, Clary Sage, Lavender, Siberian Fir, and Lemon

Resilient w. Sodalite: to help keep you calm and collected when things feel unstable

[Essential Oils: Lavender, Lemon, Patchouli]

⭐ Real Quick, what you need to know...

- subtle aroma (especially compared to misting diffusers), great for small rooms or placed next to where you spend a lot of time

- each stone is hand rolled and bisque fired, size ranging from ½ inch to 1 inch in diameter

- can change oils once the aroma has dissipated from the stones

- aroma usually lasts a couple hours, but will depend on type of oil used, your sense of smell, and size of the environment

- start with 6-10 drops and then add more if needed (you can always add more, but you can't take any away so it's best to start light)

* for more information please see below

? How they work...

- Using clay to diffuser essential oils is a form of Simple Diffusion which gives more control over the diffusion process.

- The diffusion of aroma is more subtle than reed diffusers or electronic diffusers

- Clay diffusers work best in smaller rooms

- Safe to diffuse around kids and pets

- Do not need to worry about cleaning and water

- Absorbs oil quickly and releases over the next few hours

Suggested Use:

Place the clay diffusing stones in a small bowl (ceramic or glass is best) and start by placing 6-10 drops of essential oil into the bowl of clay stones (you can always add more). The clay will absorb the essential oils and slowly release the aroma over time (usually between 2-6 hours depending on the essential oil, size of the room, and your sense of smell). Note: the aroma will lessen over time as the aroma molecules are released into the air.

Care: There is no need to wash the clay stones between different oils. Simply allow time for the clay to release the oils. You can occasionally clean with a damp cloth to remove any dust, just allow the clay stones to dry completely before adding more essential oils.


East Montpelier, VT
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Meet the Maker

A journey of helping others...

How Blooming Light Botanical Alchemy came to be... While the vision of Blooming Light Botanical Alchemy, LLC began many years ago as a longing thought in the back of my mind, its birth began in 2013. While working for nearly a decade as a massage therapist and esthetician I began to see a need for natural remedies to help my clients with pain management and stress relief. So naturally, I asked myself "what can I do to help my clients when they are not on my table?". Honestly, I didn't have a clue so I asked my friend Google about natural health and remedies. What this search revealed to me was life altering. Within a couple months of this search I had enrolled in three different schools to learn about aromatherapy, Bach Flower essences and crystals therapy. While in the aromatherapy program I formulated a blend to help with the arthritis in my thumbs. This blend helped me so much with the pain, I never left home without it. Soon I noticed the jars were disappearing, people who had tried it found such relief they would take it with them. I couldn't fault them, it is an amazing thing to feel relief from pain. It was at this revelation that I realized I had found a way to help others during their day to day lives. Blooming Light Botanical Alchemy was born. I began creating other pain relief blends based on the needs of those around me. Testing them with anyone willing to try them out and give feedback. Blooming Light soon had a natural, therapeutic product line of remedies for both physical and emotional ailments.
How it's done...
We strive to use all natural, unrefined, organic, wild harvested and ethically harvested ingredients. The formulation of the remedies are created by a certified professional aromatherapist and crystal healer. The creation and production of the remedies are done in our Montpelier, Vermont lab that over looks the beauty of the Green Mountains.

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