Custom Swarovski Crystal Illusion Necklace Set - Bridal or Bridesmaids Jewelry


About this Product

We do Custom Bridal Jewelry in 100's of Swarovski crystal colors and can match ANY bridesmaids dress no matter how unusual the color. The design shown is one of our most popular styles and colors - click the Customization link to order your custom set/s and get a free color consultation for help selecting jewelry colors to match your dress. We have a few color options listed - like the set shown in Lt Siam Satin - and some basic neutrals but there are literally hundreds of colors that could be chosen (too many to list here). With a custom order we will even send you bead samples in advance so you can see the crystals against your actual dress swatch and finalize your decision on the perfect shade. See the sample chart photos included here for the David's Bridal dress colors of Petal and Clover as examples of some of the many Swarovski crystal and pearl color options that are available. Sending us a corner of your fabric swatch is the best way to get a perfect color match. This example of an Illusion style necklace set is done in a deep, rich red called Lt Siam Satin. It is a perfect match for the Davids Bridal dress in the shade of "Apple". Satin colors in Swarovski are a muted version of the regular colors, they have kind of a grey-silvery sheen that tones down the color to create a unique new shade. Lt Siam is usually a very bright cherry red, but with the Satin effect it is a deeper, earthy red. Illuison necklaces are crystals strung on a fine transparent cord and held with tiny crimps. They can be made in any size or number of crystals. This set is the 15 bead - 1 inch style - with the beads spaced at one inch intervals and a 3 bead focal at the bottom. The earrings are approx. 1 1/4" long with 3 crystals matching the design of the focal part of the necklace. Bracelets can also be made to match the set. The set shown has gold plated accents, crimps and clasp and the earrings are flat French style gold plated wires. You can also request the set in silver accents and silver plate wires, gunmetal, brass or Rose Gold (earring wires - accents will still be gold).

1889 Products

Sycamore, IL