Dining Table New England Trestle Table


About this Product

The New England Trestle Table is a modern interpretation of a classic Shaker trestle table form. Distinguished by its distinctive structure, which employs two sets of close-set parallel legs at either end, each grounded by a stabilizing perpendicular hardwood foot, the Hancock Table is crafted of North American hardwood and traditionally joined, keeping its integrity and beauty for generations. The New England Trestle Tables Shaker inspiration suggests its dedication to purpose: this is a table that embodies the purity of beauty in utility. Supported atop a pair of hardwood legs, the table employs a length of solid hardwood at the table base and leg, both of which combine to ensure lifelong stability. The tabletop of the New England Trestle Table is fundamental in its shape, manifesting an uninterrupted expanse of solid hardwood, with grain exposed beneath its durable hand finish. The table’s structure is airy and requires no skirt for additional support. It’s designed to accommodate a large group, with centrally-situated supports positioned to maximize legroom, with space for up to six chairs arranged at the sides and ends. It’s also well-suited to stow those chairs, economizing space when not in use. We firmly believe that our commitment to using only the finest, hand-selected real wood for all of our products sets us apart from our competitors. While some may opt for cheaper, mass-produced materials like fiberboard, we refuse to cut corners when it comes to quality. Our dedication to using premium materials means that our products are not only built to last, but they also boast a level of craftsmanship and beauty that simply can't be replicated with lesser materials. Yes, our prices may be higher than some, but we're proud to say that it's because we refuse to compromise on quality. When you invest in one of our products, you can rest assured that you're getting the very best. Here is another Great Trestle Table we offer, Check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1428616278/classic-shaker-trestle-table-modern?click_key=0cc8c865e2b824c3e30033e7aaf1df7c6e4e69fe%3A1428616278&click_sum=6c94fe33&ref=shop_home_active_9&pro=1&frs=1



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