Feeding Time at The Pig Trough Soup Cozy

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About this Product

Adorable soup cozies - microwavable, washable, large size 12" from corner to corner. Great for heating up soup or leftovers in microwave, eat your food while it's hot while protecting your hands! Protects your furniture, won't leave rings. Make holding hot bowls and plate safer for all ages. Works for cold items too - you know we all love eating ice cream! Protects your hands from freezer burn when eating straight out of the carton! Plus they are reversible!

Vette's Hot Glass & Knotty Rope

Maysville, NC

Meet the Maker


Life has been a wild ride, such a blessing. It has been nice stepping away from the rat race and drama, taking time to find true happiness. And with that creativity started to flow and attract like minded folks.

My passion for macrame started in the 70s (of course) so it was only natural to start picking up rope and tying knots again. My other passion has always been glass, I love glass! Was blessed to have a couple kilns enter my life and stepped into the world of fused glass - what fun!!! And the best part - creating with friends and family. We'll sit around in our couch cozies playing with glass and rope; laughing, sharing, learning.

Recycling has always been a part of our lifestyle so it was an easy jump to start melting bottles. Then along comes one of the most creative souls I've ever met - Jamie. You know the beautiful artwork you see on the bottles? Yeppers, that’s Jamie’s jammin creativity. Just watching her work is amazing. Our collaboration kicked this new journey into high gear - will always be grateful she's in my life.

Of course the bestest part is the support, woodworking and engineering from my hubby, Kevin. I'll come up with an idea and he makes it happen - plus his scroll sawing is insane! Bonus, not only is my hubby artistic but his mom is out of this world creative with needle, thread and fabric. You'll see Judy's beautiful quilted creations throughout this site. Yes, I'm doubly blessed.

Hope you enjoy perusing our gallery - made with love, laughter and friendship.

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How it’s Made

Another beautiful creation by Judy. All made from cotton material!

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