Fruity Kuts Yoni Soap with Botanicals, Sea Moss Extract, Honey and Silk Protein


About this Product

Get ready to pamper yourself with our luxurious handcrafted soap bars! Scented with a delicious blend of Cherry, Orange, and Plum, each bar not only smells amazing but also leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. Our soaps are not only a treat for your skin but also for your senses, with each bar featuring a unique design that makes every shower feel like a special occasion. And the best part? You can enjoy the clean, fresh, and super sexy fragrance of our soaps all day long.

We take pride in the quality of our products, which is why we make them in small, number-controlled batches to ensure that each bar meets our high standards of integrity and freshness. Each hand-cut glycerin bar weighs about 4.5 ounces and has been "cured" for at least 3 weeks to ensure a longer-lasting product.

To top it all off, our soaps are packed with amazing ingredients like Aloe, Argan Oil, Calendula Extract, and Goat Milk, making them not only a luxurious indulgence but also a nourishing treat for your skin.

Treat yourself to the ultimate soap experience with our handcrafted bars. Your skin will thank you! 6 oz. External use only.

Ultra Aromatics


Meet the Maker
