Greek Oregano seeds (perennial / OP /): Origanum vulgare hirtum, regani, Greek Oregano herb seeds


About this Product

Greek Oregano seeds: Greek Oregano (also known as regani) is a staple in Mediterranean cooking. Greek Oregano thrives easily in containers, as it doesn't prefer humidity and appreciates a drier climate. If grown in the ground, this will behave like a ground cover. Oregano is best utilized for culinary uses, it's an absolute must if you are cooking Italian cuisine. Greek Oregano is used to flavor sauces, pizzas, pasta, and egg dishes. It also has medical potential and is commonly mixed into tea blends as well. As Greek Oregan grows, it will grow tall and begin to flower. The leaves are said to reach their best flavor at this stage. Harvest frequently throughout the spring and summer. You can put your containers inside or cover them so your Greek Oregano can overwinter. Maturity days: 85-90 days

Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.

Colorado Springs, CO

Meet the Maker

Welcome to Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.! My lifelong love of gardening, especially pumpkins, led me to create this company.

We started as a small family business on Etsy in 2020, sharing our passion for heirloom seeds. Over time, I took charge to ensure this labor of love would flourish. I'm thrilled to now offer you a carefully curated selection of seeds directly.

The wonder of watching a seed grow continues to inspire me. As a fellow gardener, I share the same excitement and joy for gardening as our customers do. 
