Green Adventurine Cube Bracelet

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About this Product

Green Adventurine 8MM Faceted Cube Bracelet with 4 MM saucer Sterling Silver spacers and Sterling Silver Magnetic Clasp.

The Luck Stone!

Green Aventurine is a type of quartz characterized by its translucency and the presence of mineral inclusions that give it a shimmering or glistening effect known as aventurescence. This stone typically ranges in color from pale to dark green, often with a slightly mottled appearance due to the inclusions of mica, hematite, or other minerals.

Metaphysical Properties:

Green Aventurine is widely regarded as a stone of luck and opportunity. Its metaphysical properties include:

- Luck and Prosperity: Known as the "Stone of Opportunity," it is believed to bring good fortune and success, particularly in new ventures or financial matters.

- Emotional Healing: It is thought to calm the mind, reducing stress and anxiety, and fostering a sense of inner peace and well-being.

- Creativity and Imagination: Green Aventurine stimulates creativity and enhances the imagination, making it a favorite among artists and those in creative professions.

- Vitality and Growth: This stone is associated with physical and spiritual growth, encouraging perseverance and resilience.

Chakra Association:

Green Aventurine is primarily linked to the Heart Chakra (Anahata). The Heart Chakra governs love, compassion, and emotional balance. By working with Green Aventurine, one can:

- Enhance Emotional Healing: Promote feelings of love, compassion, and empathy, facilitating emotional healing and balance.

- Encourage Forgiveness and Acceptance: Help in letting go of old hurts and fostering a sense of forgiveness and acceptance.

- Promote Harmony: Aid in creating harmonious relationships by fostering understanding and open-heartedness.

Astrology Association:

Green Aventurine is associated with the zodiac signs Taurus and Virgo:

- Taurus: The grounding and stabilizing energy of Green Aventurine aligns well with Taurus's nature, enhancing their natural inclination towards growth and prosperity.

- Virgo: For Virgo, Green Aventurine supports their analytical and practical nature, helping to reduce stress and encourage creativity and emotional balance.

Where It’s Found:

Green Aventurine is found in several locations around the world, with notable sources including:

- India: One of the most significant sources, producing large quantities of high-quality green aventurine.

- Brazil: Known for its diverse range of gemstones, Brazil is another major producer of green aventurine.

- Russia: This country also has notable deposits of green aventurine, often featuring stones with excellent color and clarity.

- China: A significant source, particularly for commercial-grade green aventurine used in jewelry and decorative items.

- Tanzania: This African nation produces beautiful green aventurine, contributing to the global supply.

These locations contribute to the availability of green aventurine, making it a popular and accessible gemstone for various uses.


Johnsburg, IL
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Meet the Maker

Hi there! My name is Jami Schwager and I live in a small town in Northeastern Illinois named Johnsburg. We are located near the Chain of Lakes waterway and we (I am including my husband and captain of our vessel) LOVE boating on our Bayliner Cabin Cruiser in the summers! When I’m not on my boat you can usually find me making jewelry. In 2022 I decided to make bracelets out of gemstones for the women in my family for Christmas gifts. I made them each a bracelet using their birthstones. I have been obsessed with making jewelry ever since! I enjoy coming up with new designs and discovering the beauty in each new gemstone I work with. Now I consider making jewelry my passion. I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I enjoy creating them. Thanks so much for checking out my shop!

How it’s Made

Designed by me with genuine gemstone beads and sterling silver.

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