Handspun Yarn: Glimmering Campfire (Worsted Weight, 170 yards 3-ply, 4 oz)


About this Product

This handspun yarn is aptly named "Glimmering Wildfire" for its captivating play of colors and captures the essence of a vibrant campfire. Deep, smoky browns represent the earth and the charred remains, while bursts of tan and gold mimic the embers catching light. Touches of glowing amber-orange echo the final embers reaching for the twilight sky. Imagine yourself nestled amongst towering pines, a crackling fire casting dancing shadows across the forest floor. The scent of wood smoke mingles with the sweetness of pine needles, and you hear the distant gurgle of the stream that is just out of sight. Transfixed, you watch the embers glow with an ember orange hue as flames joyfully consume the wood and spark twirl upwards, transforming into a mesmerizing display.


  • Weight: Worsted

  • Ply: 3-ply

  • Yardage 170

  • Colorway: Glimmering Campfire

Forever Winding Wool

Charleston, WV
Hand-Spun Yarn, Almost Heaven Style: Discover the Beauty of West Virginia Craftsmanship!
Contact Maker

Meet the Maker

Hi there! I'm Kelly, the dedicated yarn enthusiast behind Forever Winding Wool. I have over 40 years of knitting and crocheting experience and have enjoyed every item I've made. My love for wool and fibers runs deep, and I'm excited to share my story with you.

My creative journey took an incredible turn when I volunteered at a local living history museum for over three years. There, I didn't just learn about traditional fiber arts, I immersed myself in them. I demonstrated the intricate process of hand spinning wool, just like women did in times gone by. Alongside my husband, I showcased the art of sheep shearing, fleece washing, combing, spinning, and transforming fiber into functional garments. This deep connection with wool and fiber is what I bring to every creation at Forever Winding Wool.

As I spent time at the museum, I realized that teaching this way was a great way to deepen my understanding of wool and fibers. I began selling my hand-spun yarn and hand-knit items, including scarves, hats, and mittens, in the museum store. It was heartwarming to see how much the customers appreciated the hard work that went into each item they purchased.

Inspired by the historical surroundings and my deep connection with wool and fiber, I introduced a captivating line of hand-spun and hand-dyed yarns. These yarns, with their vibrant and unique colors, reflected the enchanting colors in the museum's exhibits and showcased my artistic sensibility and commitment to preserving and celebrating the fiber arts heritage. I have included many of those same colorways in my GoImagine shop today.

At Forever Winding Wool, you're not just shopping for yarn and knitted items but becoming a part of a journey that spans decades of skill, tradition, and a genuine love for the craft. Each creation is a testament to my passion, knowledge, and the rich history of wool.

Whether you're an experienced fiber artist or just starting your yarn story, I warmly invite you to join me in my creative fiber world.

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How it’s Made

Hand spun from 4 oz of hand-dyed merino yarn roving. Navaho plied for durability.

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If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please get in touch with us at ForeverWindingWool@gmail.com

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