Handwoven Cashmere Shawl

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About this Product

This Handwoven Shawl is made with the Cashmere from my herd of happy, healthy goats. Completely and totally made here in my little studio by me, it is an OOAK for sure. I designed the pattern and didn't write it down, so it is not repeatable. I almost always "fly by the seat of my pants" when I'm weaving or crocheting any of the items I make. I rarely follow a written pattern. Which means I don't make the same thing twice. The generous size of this at 82 inches long by 21 inches wide means you can wear it in a variety of ways. Style it to fit your unique vibe! It will keep you nice and warm on those chilly winter days and evenings. Wearing it out on the town, or snuggled into your favorite chair, it will be like a nice warm hug. Enjoy!

PNF Cashmeres

Kila, MT
I'll be adding things slowly, as I get them made, so please check back often to see what's new!
Contact Maker

Meet the Maker

Hi, my name's Ann and I am the weaver, spinner, and crocheter of all the things.  I love what I'm doing, and I love sharing my creations with others.  The cashmere comes from my herd of cashmere goats, whom I take care of daily and once a year comb their wonderful fleece off them.  Once it's combed off them, I wash, dehair and then spin the fleece into wonderfully soft yarn.  Then I either sell the yarn, or weave or crochet it into wearable accessories like scarves, wrist warmers, hats, etc. It's a slow process, with a limited amount of cashmere to work with, so each item takes a while to make.  I don't usually follow much of a pattern, so what you get is truly one of a kind, I can't repeat it exactly.  I do hope you enjoy your purchases from here, they are made with love.

How it’s Made

To make this shawl, or any cashmere item, I comb the cashmere (fleece) off the goat in the late winter when they start to shed. Then I dehair it, which is removing the coarse outer guard hairs one by one with tweezers. I wash it, then using my spinning wheel, I spin it into yarn. Then I dye some of the yarn and leave the rest the natural color. Once all the yarn is spun, I warp my loom (putting the yarn on the loom) and start weaving. After many hours of weaving, this shawl appears as if by magic. After taking it off the loom and finishing it, it is ready for you!
