Creative Treasures

Penney Farms, Florida
United States

Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, it was second nature to me. i just assumed everyone had a business. I started selling lemonade and having magic shows as far back as I can remember. Now my children are entrepreneurs as well. But we were taught to always donate "a good portion" of what we earned to a worthy cause. I taught elementary school for 30 years and then became a missionary to Tanzania and taught school there. But I always had a creative shop on the side ~ going to lots of fairs and renting space in a local store. I like to stay busy!! After creating pottery for many years, I decided to try stained glass. I fell in love with it and am still creating 20+ years later. I opened a brick and mortar gift shop and had a great time! Now I have a home studio and sell online. We still go to Tanzania every year and raise money for the school we founded there. All the profits from my shop, "a good portion",  are donated to The Lion of Judah Ministires. This is a non-profit supporting The Lion of Judah Academy in Bulima, Tanzania.  

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