Film Stuff Lab

I have a strong passion for photography in general, and film/analog photography specifically. I also tend to lean into the more unique film formats, which definitely added challenges to home developing (amongst other things), so I started making my own solutions. Other people saw some of my creative (and money-conscious) solutions and started asking me if I could help them out too, which is why I opened up a shop so that sharing my creations could be easier to do, and so I would be and able to reach more people who were having the same problems I had faced.
I have two main goals with this shop. First is to offer easily usable and affordable solutions to film developing problems that I encountered. Most notably, development reels for formats that aren't readily available. My second goal is to offer affordability. Like for real, not as a sales pitch. I am 100% sure that my offerings fall into at least one of two categories; (1) Unique and usable. Many of my offerings are only available through my efforts, and not anywhere else. (2) Best value for price. A couple of the things I offer might have alternative options out in the world, but those are all so wildly overpriced than I decided to make an affordable one, first for me, then for anyone else who might be interested.
Everything I offer has been created by me, out of my personal need for a high quality, and also affordable, solution. Rest assured that if I am offering it here, it is because I am myself using it and have gotten it to a point of satisfaction in quality and usability that I feel it would benefit others as well.