New Ark Apiaries

United States

We hope you enjoy these wonderful gifts from the bees.

In 2007 I was looking for work and spending lots of time around the house. My kids enjoyed the extra time with Dad, but my wife, not so much. She signed me up for some adult education courses in town. Having always been interested in beekeeping, I enrolled in an introduction course. Years later this hobby has grown into a fascinating sideline.


I purchased this for my mother and she hasn't gotten the chance to try it yet. The container is much smaller than I thought it would be, guess I should have read more into it For $30 bucks I really hope it works!
The best honey. And the best service!! Thank you!!!
This is one amazing bee propolis olive oil infusion! It's moisturizing on my skin and lightly scented with skin rejuvenating helichrysum essential oil. I highly recommend this product. Every one of New Ark Apiary's products I've purchased has been exceptionally high quality.
I love that the beekeeper followed an old European recipe to make this special Podmore Tincture. It has proven to be very helpful for my knee pain. Rub it on the affected area, let it dry and pain is relieved for quite a while.
This is a great facial moisturizer. It penetrates deeply into the skin, softening it.
Second time buyer. This is epic for post running and hiking. Slather this on sore quads, hip, hamstrings and it feels and smells divine. Provides pain relief in 10 minutes for me. Highly recommend!
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