Even though I'm a middle school science teacher, my colleagues always say I'm a frustrated art teacher.
I. need. to. create.
In my classroom any excuse is good enough to have students using colored pencils or making models.
As I always tell my students, my first love was biology. I never took Earth Science in high school. Boy did I ever miss out. Who knew there were so many beautiful stones and gems that could be turned into beautiful pieces of art? I often think that if I'd been exposed to rocks and minerals earlier in life I might have followed a different career path. I do believe you'll always find what you love. So when the school day is done and the weekend (or summer!) comes around my hands and brain are always busy creating.
More recently I joined the knitting club at my school. I sat with some 6th and 7th grade girls and boys and learned to knit alongside them. A few of my knitted creations have found their way into my shop. Keep an eye out for more!