I have always been the creative type and from a young age said I would grow up to be an artist. I still have a self portrait I painted in 1st grade art class, the assignment was to paint you as what you would be when you grow up and guess what I wanted to be an artist! I always excelled in art and creating things, it has always been my passion.
I took as many art and creative classes I could even into adulthood. I am always looking to expand my creativity. I started out Midnight Jo as a hobby and I used to sell mostly clothing and purses. Growing up I would visit Grandma in the summer for a week. She was a seamstress and many times I would go to work with her where she would set me up on their extra sewing machine. I still sew and create clothing, purses etc to this day!
However life is always transitory, always changing and through the years Midnight Jo has transformed itself into a jewelry business. I will constantly grow and change my shop as I am always coming up with new ideas! Almost to the point that I can't keep up with myself haha!
I hope you enjoy Midnight Jo as much as I do and follow the shop through the years <3