Broken Rainbows

Hi...I'm Christin, a proud Mama of 6 children that I share with my adoring Husband, Joshua. Our unique Blended Household has its fair share of complications and hardships. Brokenness does not discriminate. It meets us no matter how young or old we are, or where we come from. It's in these moments of struggle that we need an extra measure of grace and mercy.
In the midst of life's battles and the heart of its storms, I made a choice. I decided to open this shop. I'm overjoyed to share my Creator-blessed talents with you, infusing them with all the messiness of life to create something beautiful. I pour my heart into every piece I create because I believe that God has called us to be Love and Light.
Here, at Broken Rainbows, my vision is to be a beacon of hope and healing through art. I have persevered and remained driven by the belief that even in the darkest of times, beauty and light can emerge. Having traversed the depths of personal trauma and loss, my mission is to harness the transformative power of our Creator, the master artist, and use art to not only create stunning masterpieces but also to create opportunities for resilience and recovery in a world often plagued by adversity. Just as rainbows can only manifest in the presence of light, I aspire to be that source of light, illuminating lives with the colors of inspiration, creativity, and unwavering hope. Rainbows are a symbol of promise and hope...but what happens when your rainbow appears to be broken or no longer shining? I get it. Walk with me...Every story deserves to be told. Let me help you tell yours.
Each artwork I make is special to my heart, and I'm grateful to share it with you. Together, we can embark on a journey of restoration and healing from our 'Broken Rainbows.' Thank you for coming alongside me on this beautiful endeavor. Let's turn our brokenness into something truly remarkable.
If you feel led to view the campaign below, please click on the link to read more about our fight for justice and to bring my daughter home.