I began sewing when I was 9 years old. I was too tall and too thin to fit into any clothing in the stores. So for the longest time I made my own clothes. But I never loved that part of sewing. It was more of a have to, than a want to. Later in life I began to get interested in making pillows, curtains and duvet covers. Those were fun. Then I found handbag making and fell in love. They are more complex to make than anything I've ever done before. But so rewarding when they are finished. Every girl knows that no matter what bag she buys it's only about 90% perfect and we are all in search of that perfect handbag. I hope I can help you find that bag. Even if it means making one custom for you. If you like a bag in my store but it's not quite what you are looking for, contact me and we can discuss making changes to that bag to fit your needs. Thank you for looking at my items.