
ASHBY, Massachusetts
United States
Hello! My name is Paula, I was born in Portugal. I came to the United States when I was about 20 years old with my 10 month old son looking for an opportunity to provide us with a better life than my country offered at the time. Things have changed a lot, Portugal is now a great country, my son is now an adult with a wonderful family of his own and the United States has become my home, where I live with my husband Marc.
As a child, I was taught to sew, crochet, knit and create all types of crafts, but as an adult I have never had jobs in a creative field. However, I have always found ways to stay engaged in some creative, crafty aspect in my life, whether it was to just sew some curtains I couldn’t afford to buy, help a friend create some party favors or centerpieces for a special occasion or completely design my entire wedding affair. Regardless of how many things I created, it seemed I had never really found the one thing I wanted to do all of, all of the time.
In 2020, I purchased a new sewing machine, it was my very first brand new sewing machine, the ones I had before were always used hand me downs. I initially purchased it to create masks to assist with the pandemic mask shortage, then I made a bag to take on a vacation but it wasn't until I found cork fabric imported from Portugal when I found a connection between many things I could relate to, a fashion item I like, made from a sustainable material I could use that grows mainly in my home country. I have used other materials to make handbags and accessories but cork fabric is still my material of choice. I have been making handbags, wallets and accessories since then.
I think I have found a passion, the one thing I want to do all of, all of the time!


I absolutely love my bag! It is beautiful, well made and a work of art. I am so glad I purchased it. I highly recommend this brand. I will definitely buy another. ❤️
Review the Maker