Fashionable Paws

Ringgold, Georgia
United States

Hello! My name is Heather, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the passionate animal enthusiast driving the creative force behind Fashionable Paws!

My brand-new small business takes pride in offering a delightful range of seasonal and everyday pet accessories, all meticulously handcrafted in Ringgold, Georgia, just south of Chattanooga, TN. My family includes my husband, daughter, and our two dogs, Bella and Simon. When I'm not with family and working, you will find me in the gym and my craft room. I love all things design, basically anything that I can create and put my own spin on it takes me to my happy place!

When developing my products, I aimed for two key objectives.

Firstly, to create pet accessories that blend style with comfort for my furry companions. Faced with challenges in finding high-quality, trendy designs locally, I embarked on extensive research, sewing, and planning to achieve this vision. In that process, I wondered if others felt like I did which led me here at Goimagine. One of the biggest reasons I joined the Goimagine marketplace is that they donate 100% of their profits to children in need. With that, I would like to thank you for helping me, help them! Secondly, I aspire to grow my small business to a size where I could contribute a portion of the proceeds to support local shelters. My daughter and I share a deep love for animals, and the opportunity to make a difference would be truly rewarding.

Questions? No problem! Email me at

Thank you for supporting my small business!

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