The Crafty Fox Knot Shop

Utica, Michigan
United States

A little backstory...

My mother felt that crafting and creativity was extremely important, so it was a big part of my childhood. After working a full day as a design engineer, she still had time to spend teaching me and my brothers, taking us for exploration walks through the forests, and creating art. Her love of art became my love for art. All my life I have created art, from painting to drawing to crocheting to writing to embroidering. As an adult, I knew I wanted to share my love of art with others, as my mother did with me. And from that desire, a small business was born.

I originally started out selling completed embroidery pieces, but gradually began sharing my work with others as patterns and kits. I've had many people tell me that they could never make a piece of art like I do, but I am a firm believer that if someone has confidence, they can create beautiful things too.

Each of my designs begin as a hand-drawn sketch (it is my love of the outdoors and nature that is much of the inspiration for my embroidery), which I then illustrate digitally. I then transfer the pattern to my material and begin embroidering, taking many photos of the process to create step-by-step guides. When my piece is finished, I photograph it, and begin working on my guides. Each guide is meticulously composed, written, and produced by me.

Although much of the business is run by me, I do have an amazing support system and partner-in-crime(design). My husband works very hard as a public servant, loves me, and strives his best to care for and help others. With his support and encouragement I have been able to continue to build our small business and provide some supplemental income for our family. Occasionally, he'll throw some creative ideas by me, and they've resulted in some gorgeous designs.

Even though I love art, I’ve often had to battle with my own body to create something. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with “essential tremors”, a hereditary neurological disorder that causes the muscles in my hands, arms, and legs to shake involuntarily. It’s something that I’ve been hesitant to talk about for a long time. I’ve been extremely embarrassed about it, especially because I’ve been mocked and made fun of for it. It has mostly affected my hands and is very visible (at least to me) in my writing and drawing. I don’t have perfect handwriting, and I never will. I can’t draw a straight line anymore. As I’ve gotten older, it’s gotten worse. Sometimes it’s painful. It’s scary. It’s frustrating.

It’s a part of me. But it doesn’t singularly define me.

I’m learning to persevere through the pain and frustration because I don’t want to stop being an artist. Although creating embroidery pieces, patterns, drawings, paintings, writing, isn’t always physically easy for me, seeing the end result of my art brings me so much joy and gives me such a sense of accomplishment in what I am still able to do.

Art isn’t therapy for me; it’s a necessity.

Family is extremely important to me. I come from a very close and loving family. The day after Easter of 2023, my dad was diagnosed with an incredibly rare incurable cancer called multiple myeloma. Despite her own auto-immune illnesses, my mom works so hard to take care of my dad, but there are times when they need me to help take care of them both. Having the support from my customers has given me the ability to go home, and to help my parents and care for them in a way I would never have been able to with a typical job. For that, I am beyond grateful.

Art is one of my absolutely favorite things! I'm so thankful that I'm able to use my love and talents in art to bring joy to others. It's a blessing that I'm able to have this shop, and that with my customers' help, I can provide for my family. Thank you to each and every one of you. I'd never have come this far without you. ❤︎


**All designs are property of the Crafty Fox Knot Shop and are protected by federal copyright laws. Do not copy designs or sell products of any of our designs.*

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