Moon Lit Rose Crafts

Cedar Park, Texas
United States

Rosethorn, as she prefers to be called when working a convention floor, has been crocheting and working on strung necklaces for more than 15 years, selling work as a part of her family's business at fairs. After being laid off pre-Pandemic 2020, she went back to school to learn metalsmith jewelry skills. As declining health in the family has caused the family business to close, Rosethorn is breaking out to be her own Jeweler and crafter. While Metal work is fun, crochet is something relaxing that is being included because everyone in the family but the cats are tired of getting crochet pieces.

Lihirielle has been an artist for over 30 years and is accomplished at mixing multiple mediums together to produce beautiful pieces of art. Recent health issues has made it impossible to work in person shows, leaving a magnitude of completed work ready to sell that Rosethorn is now managing online instead of assisting in person.

It will be fairly obvious which pieces Rosethorn made attempting to learn a technique from Lihirielle just from the difference in precision with a paint brush.

Rosethorn plans on posting more videos of her, and Lihirielle (health permitting), going through their making process on the various Moon Lit Rose Crafts social media pages once all of the ready to sell product pictures are taken and edited.

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