
Avinger, Texas
United States

Thank you for visiting our shop. Bernie and I are delighted you decided to stop by. My name is Mechelle and Bernie is my Yorkiepoo sidekick.

Bernie and I live in the country in the deep woods of east Texas. We live in a one bedroom cozy cabin underneath large oak trees and very tall pine trees filled with thousands of birds, squirrels and the occasional adorable raccoon.

I’m definitely an animal lover and being in the country I get to see a lot of wildlife. I would consider myself lucky to be able to say that.

I also enjoy making things for family, and doing projects around my little cabin. It’s not always easy living in the woods tho. I do love the peacefulness and solitude it brings, but there will always be a part of me that still enjoys connecting with other people.

So, it just made sense to me to fill that lack of connection with an online shop. A small shop gives me the opportunity to still interact with people and do things for others.

I know a lot of makers and artisans love their alone time and I’m no different. Living almost an hour away from busy highways and bustling businesses has its perks but, it’s also nice to know that someone somewhere is anxiously awaiting for something to arrive in their mailbox that I made just for them. That’s a very gratifying feeling that makes that hour long drive to the post office that much more enjoyable.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by our shop. Please reach out if you have any questions. Have a wonderful day!

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