Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

Aurora, Colorado
United States

Hiya!! My name is Wendy Wylde, and my strange little corner of the world is The Wylde Kingdom! Welcome!

I've played with miniatures and dolls for a lot of years now. I still love them, and I think I always will. Because of that, I learned to make all kinds of miniatures. Everything from eyeball plants, puppets and cupcakes to boxes of candy and magical potions! It really is a little random here in the Wylde Kingdom. You never know what you might find.

I just started up a YouTube channel (just to post videos of the Shaker Skulls, really. But there'll probably be more eventually) and you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/@WyldeKingdomMiniatures

There's a Wylde Kingdom Miniatures Facebook page for updates and just neat things: https://www.facebook.com/wyldekingdomminiatures

I'm on Instagram too: https://www.instagram.com/wyldekingdomminiatures/

If you get something of mine, please feel free to tag me, @ me or use #wyldekingdomminiatures so I can see what you do with it! I love how people play with miniatures, and I really enjoy seeing how people use the stuff I make.

Thank you for checking out my miniatures!

- Wendy

Wylde Kingdom Miniatures

June 2024

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