Wool Jamboree

Green Bay, Wisconsin
United States

Want to celebrate the every day and the big events in life!? Let me help you by making your space beautiful with wool :)

I've been obsessed with wool for over a decade! I am big on textures in everything and wool is a lovely texture! It's soft to the touch but not "super smooth" making it interesting. You can feel the fibers, seeing that it's comprised of many many hairs, making it a community feel. And I love the smell of wool! When my giant wool roving bumps arrive from the Nebraskan farm, I love tearing them open and taking in a deep breath. Wool is heavenly!

I started this business in 2011 with wool dryer balls (on another selling platform). I love offering an eco-friendly and family safe alternative for your laundry routine. Get rid of the harsh chemicals in fabric softener and dryer sheets (have you ever seen the film dryer sheets leave on your clothes in order for them to feel soft!?!? It's gross, and it's also clogging up your washer!) After a few years of selling dryer balls, I started offering felt ball decor and that's when my business took off! I've since grown into dozens of products, some of which are completely unique to my shop because my husband and I invented them :)

The original vision of this shop was to give me a little side-focus while my children were young and at home, something to keep me busy during naps. But I've long since outgrown that vision and we are on to really BIG and exciting things in the years to come!

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