Overall Beauty Minerals

Elk Grove, California
United States

As a believer of using all-natural products on my face and body as possible, when I decided to start my own line, I wanted to be sure that all the bad in mineral makeup would not be in my colors.

I react badly to cosmetic dyes, carmine, talc etc. I wanted to offer what I would personally wear.

It's just a small line but as I grow in my ability to create I will keep adding more eye shadows and soon branch off to adding more mica-free eyeshadows & blushes. Now available mica-free and Titanium Dioxide free loose pigment eyeshadows. Everything I offer is talc-free, I understand how important that can be, so why use it? Just a cheap filler anyway.

What you may not know about me and my shop is, I am the creator, mixer, blender of all that you see! I personally create everything I offer. I get so many amazing comments and reviews about the fact that what I offer can't be seen anywhere else. Now you know why!

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