The Traveling Squirrel Photography

United States

Photos of Places both Familiar and Unique

Welcome to the Traveling Squirrel Photography Shop! I love boats and all things nautical but travel photography has been a passion as well. I began taking pictures a long time ago with a brownie camera. I loved the way it squeaked when you turned the button to advance the film. Later, it was an Olympus where I promptly lost all my pictures on my first trip to Europe due to a faulty rewind button. Next up was a hand-me-down Nikon Nikkormat with a great 50mm lens. I acquired a Vivitar zoom lens and boy, did I have a lot of fun with that camera. As time went on, the camera went into the closet, and then digital hit the market. My first digital was a small Canon that was a great little pocket camera. It reignited my passion for photography and slowly the cameras have grown. I love hearing the stories from everyone who purchases one of my photos. Your kind words about my photography truly mean the world to me. As you explore my shop, I hope you'll feel the love and dedication I've put into each piece, and that it sparks a sense of adventure and wanderlust within you. Come visit often as my camera is always with me and I never know what I will capture next. My travels have led me to some great locations around the world and I hope that you will enjoy my unique pictures as well.

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