Selua's Custom Crafts

Van Buren Twp, Michigan
United States

Hello! I'm Jessy, a passionate and creative artisan with a love for intricate crafts and handmade creations. My journey into the world of beadwork began when I was just 13 years old. I received a starter loom kit as a birthday gift, and from that moment on, I was hooked. The delicate process of weaving tiny beads into beautiful designs captivated me, and it has remained one of my favorite hobbies ever since.

In 2020, amidst the challenges of the pandemic, I discovered a new passion: woodworking. This craft quickly became a cherished escape and a new way to channel my creativity. There's something incredibly satisfying about transforming raw wood into functional and artistic pieces.

In addition to beadwork and woodworking, I also enjoy cross-stitching. I particularly love creating my own patterns, allowing my imagination to run wild and resulting in unique, personalized pieces that tell their own stories.

Beyond my crafts, I am also an avid gamer. Gaming has been a significant part of my life, offering another avenue for creativity and strategy. My business name is inspired by my gaming persona, blending my virtual adventures with my real-world passions.

Through my crafts, I find immense joy in the meticulous attention to detail and the endless creative possibilities they offer. Whether it's the vibrant world of beadwork, the tactile satisfaction of woodworking, or the intricate art of cross-stitching, I am constantly inspired to explore new techniques and bring my unique visions to life. Sharing my creations with others is one of my greatest pleasures, and I look forward to continuing this creative journey.

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