Koreena's Creations

Marietta, Georgia
United States

Katrina C : Owner, Creator, Shipper

Katrina C spent the last 20 years as a stay at home mom to two kids (now officially adults), homemaker wife to a very supportive husband, and a hobby artist in between it all. Her sometimes eclectic collection of items for sale is a result of an aspiration to test her abilities in a range of categories and a general desire to make craft things that interest her. Growing up she developed a love of making things on her own and would sometimes sell her Book Bug homemade bookmarks at her parent's store to help fund buying crafting materials.  As she grew older she became interested in testing new skills at home, school, and even at her grandparents farm trying to find what interested her the most. In the early 2000's she moved to the USA to start her new family, bringing her skills and a few suitcases.   

Katrina grew up in a family of trades and crafters, so it's no surprise that she loves to make things with her hands. From sewing plushies to stringing beads, she has developed range of skills in crafting.   Her sewing skills have resulted in an army of handmade plushies and many one of a kind Halloween costumes.   She delights on being able to use her abilities to stretch her family budget and still getting to enjoy a comfortably furnished and decorated home life.  

When not looking after her family or creating crafts for others to enjoy she enjoys spending her time playing video games with her kids,  reading books and fanfics, and watching tv with her husband.

Note from the maker:

My hobbies are buying supplies, sewing, and making pretty jewelry. I have two young adults that I am still working on life skills with and a husband so my crafting time is changing by the week. I haven't quite found my niche yet but enjoy exploring a range for my little shop.

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