Empath House

Orlando, Florida
United States

Empath House is a small business located in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is to promote mental, physical, and emotional health, and self-care. Whether it be tea, candles, journals, etc. our goal is to convey that you matter inside and out and deserve to be taken care of. We only have one body so let's take care of them!

In 2019 I lost my father to a battle with leukemia. During that time, we used natural Jamaican remedies such as mango leaves and moringa to aid him during his fight. I began to see just how vital these remedies were during this process and that most people did not have access to such things. In his memory, I decided to pursue a herbal tea line specifically to promote self-care, the value of our bodies, and to ensure that everyone would have access to such things. We never know what we need in life until we start our journeys So let's start in advance by putting ourselves and our health first!

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food"

With love,


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