Eco Chic Lines

United States

Welcome to my creative corner! I'm Karine, the heart and hands behind EcoChicLines.

Remember those messy finger paintings in kindergarten? That was me, the little girl who transformed a handprint into a galloping unicorn! Ever since, I've been obsessed with bringing ideas to life, from photography to surface pattern design to botanical prints to casting.

But recently, something truly special happened. I started crafting figurines for my sisters - a mini yoga master for the zen one, a tiny astronaut for the stargazer. And something clicked in me. I realized that each piece was actually a symbol of the connection we shared. Seeing the joy in their eyes, the way these little figures sparked a smile, well, that was a revelation. It wasn't just about creating; it was about weaving stories.

So, with a heart full of these stories and a studio overflowing with possibility (and perhaps a touch of Jesmonite dust!), I decided to open my doors and share this little world with you. These figurines aren't just home decor; they're tiny ambassadors of joy, meant to find a place in your world. Because hey, even grown-ups deserve a sprinkle of magic! ✨

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