Prints and Paints by Marcy

Milford, Pennsylvania
United States

Hello and Welcome! I am a lifelong artist that specializes in the traditional folk art of Mandala Painting. I use a modern approach by incorporating pointillism into my work creating Mandala Dot Art. Each of my pieces are a personal journey of something I've worked through, whether it is spiritually, mentality, or just the average over thinking process. You see, Mandala dotting is considered a form of Art Therapy, it helps the mind stay calm, meditative, focused, and reflect on what the artist is thinking. To some they may seem like a basic row of dots, but with slow concentration, steady hands, the repetitive process of dotting one dot into the paint each time creates balance in the body and mind. It slows the heart rate, and a sense of relaxation happens.

My artwork reflects the thinking process I endure. Sometimes the colors may be chaotic or sometimes soothing. Each piece of artwork is different than the other.

Thank you for joining me on my journey...I hope you are inspired by what you see. Namaste~

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