Charley Charles

United States

Well hello! I am Carly Shoemaker, or "Charles" as most people call me. I am so glad you found my shop!!!!

Seriously, I am touched you are even reading this. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan with my super talented musician husband and our two little ladies, yadda, yadda, yadda....But, you are probably looking for info about my shop....

Once upon a time in a land far far away....I had a baby girl and she needed clothes to wear. I hated the usual kids clothing and accessories I was seeing everywhere. My baby was special (yours is too!), and I didn't want to dress her in the those baby clothes with stupid characters and sayings plastered all over them. I wanted to dress her in clothes that I would wear if, say, I was a baby. I started to cut up my own clothes and design and make special outfits and accessories for her. People started to ask where I got the items she was wearing....I made some things for my friends/families kids, and after enough prodding, I decided to open a shop. At first orders were easily filled in my spare time....but the orders just kept coming (huzzah!). So, in 2013 I quit my "real job" and made Charley Charles my full time career. Better yet, business just keeps getting better, mostly because of customers who just keep coming back. Yeeeehaaaa!!!! Because business in booming, I have had the pleasure of growing the Charley Charles team. Your orders are now being processed, packed, and made by me along with a couple of very talented individuals. Being self employed is hard, but gosh, I LOVE it. I am so beyond grateful every time I get to make something for your babies or home. I love thinking about what little person is going to be wearing the items you purchase. I get all teary (I am a out) thinking about people wrapping their new babies in blankets I made especially for your special baby. Please know that when you purchase anything from my shop, it has been carefully crafted and cared for, and you are helping support my family...and I am just so thankful. (No, seriously I cry often about how lucky I feel to get to make stuff for, for my real life career.) Since starting Charley Charles I have added so many great products. Many will be available her on GoImagine, but if you don't see what you are looking for, please do checkout our out website at for the full range of products for your family and home.

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