Love For May

Sarasota, Florida
United States

It all began with a dream. Quite literally. One night, I found myself in a dream where I had embarked on a candle-making venture. The sensation was unmistakable  - it was the feeling of being in a state of flow. Drawing from my years of studying positive psychology, I've come to understand the significance of following that flow when it presents itself. 

When I'm not immersed in crafting candles, I'm a mother to a lively toddler named Mason, affectionately known as May. My aspiration for these candles is to provide a sanctuary for self-care, for moments of tranquility, and relishing the present moment. 

In the creation process, I often find inspiration from my roots in Sweden as well as my current home Florida. The sleek lines of Scandinavian design with the vibrant hues and fresh, fruity fragrances of the Sunshine State. By incorporating coconut, I aim for a cleaner burn and a velvety-smooth finish. 

I thrive on connecting with my customer, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! 

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