Bound 2 Bee

Markleville, Indiana
United States

I'm a life-long hobby collector and idea explorer living in central Indiana. Over the years I dabbled in learning various foreign languages (and remember none), learned to play penny whistle, explored polymer clay, became proficient with counted thread embroidery, fell in love with being a beekeeper (8 years of fun!), dabbled with cold process soap making, pretended to be a gardener...The list is lengthy.

I started playing around with bookbinding in 2019 because I just had to have another hobby. I made lots of not-so-great ones and gave them away to family and friends, trying different types of bindings and materials until I got to the point where people were tired of receiving them! By then the pandemic had started, and my job had become untenable (oh the woes of the Essential Employee), so I quit the job and decided to open an Etsy shop, naming it Bound 2 Bee in honor of my bee colonies. That kept me busy while I job-hunted for a steady income (and health insurance!) and I had time to make lots of journals. After a couple of months of being unemployed, I found full-time employment and Etsy got relegated to hobby status.

Now it's 2024. I became allergic to beestings in 2022 and rehomed my bee colonies, and that leaves me a little more time to work on making journals and stationery items. The luster of Etsy is fading - and I've been looking for alternatives for my wee business, and stumbled on Goimagine. So, here I am! Let's give this a try and see if we can make life for kids a little better, hey?

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