Hip Chick Jewelry

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
United States

Hello, friend! I wish you the best!

I am a stained glass and jewelry designer who has the privilege to express myself through my handmade creations. I love working with my hands and with as many beautiful metals and stones as I can. I took a jewelry class from a hippie back in my early teens. That's when I fell in love with the feel of wire and the challenge of making one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. That's when I decided that this would be my form of stress relief. That's when I found out that I could earn enough selling that I could keep on making things! I smile when I see my jewelry on my family, friends & community as I go around town. Especially when the earrings are 20 years old and they say" This is my favorite pair". I have a passion for stained glass as well. I started a dichroic stained glass jewelry line using copper foil and lead-free solder. This is the best of both worlds, and I am proud to offer it to you.

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